new years day race

new years day race

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sept 10, 2014

My first entry to the blog is a salutation to French Polynesia. Seems like I've been spinning for the last year trying to get here and now we're on our way to the Cooks.

How lucky can a person be? my family, my friends…the boat, the trip!

We lie at anchor near the south tip of Bora Bora, Harry's strumming some Neal Young on the stern perch after splurging at Bloody Mary's.  Looking back there's no favorite place so far, it's all just such a great experience. Departing Point Loma with a green boat our crew of Shala, Harry, Angela and Scott made it work. The Pacific was blue and windy and green and warm and white capped and full of fish and lit by the moon. The Marquesas are impossibly beautiful and rugged to the core. The people, the pitching anchorages and the mountains, real mountains that rise from the bottom of the sea and scratch the sky with their saber toothed tops. I wilt before them but they embrace me. The people know no fear and call us Brother.

The lush and fertile slopes of the Marquesas are a striking contrast to the stark atoll plains of the Tuamotus.  Mountain men are replaced by smiling lowlanders whose only bounty comes from the sea. Crystal lagoons and the first flat water since Point Loma. The advent of charging surf is an eye opener after six months of boat prep and travel, but welcome.

Tahiti seems a metropolis but is actually another laid back Polynesian bastion, only with ice cubes. All of a sudden anything you could possibly want, even surf, maybe more than you need. I'll just say one thing about the Society Islands, Huahine!

Not a day goes by that I don't miss San Diego and anticipate our return but there's so much left to do. I really want to shake all those hands in appreciation for helping make this trip possible. First John Craig for decades of friendship and patience and diligence to see us off, of all the help the goofy trick to bypass a sticky thermo coupler on the stove may be the most appreciated. Ian and Nuka Storer for their generosity and passion for our quest. Chuck and Kathy and the gang at Ullman, more than sailmakers; special shout out to Charlie Jenkins for saving our bacon via random act of kindness. Both Rigworks and Sailing Supply for their integrity and enthusiasm.  Steve Harrison, from anchoring to using the head nothing happens without that guy. Mark Butler, always there in a pinch. Baker Marine, you really need a good compass out here. Julie's dad, Ed Petersen, we sleep well with his anchor. Congratulations to Damien and Tomira Craig on their forthcoming child and thanks for watching our home. Thanks to the members, staff and board of SDYC for absolutely helping in every way possible. Steve Harris, Tamajama kite is great in under 10 knots, too bad that's the breeze we have plenty of these days. Mark and Dorothy Steinbeck for everything. Winnie Baekkelund, we couldn't do this without you. And all our jillion friends who we can't wait to hug.

It's on to the Cooks, Tonga and New Zealand, stay tuned.


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