new years day race

new years day race

Saturday, May 24, 2014

5/23/14 onboard update

Horse Latitudes!

Nirvana is quickly approaching the equator! There have been may names for these latitudes and most of them bemoan the windlessness. Nirvana is currently enjoying 15-20 knot breeze off the beam. Reefed main and stays'l. Rocking down the line! Making about 8kt vmg! WOOHOO!

Nirvana is not enjoying becoming showerless. Gary, Julie and many other people assisted in getting Nirvana ready for this trip and got the t's crossed and the i's dotted. Gary spent many hours making sure all of the systems were not only operable but had spares, and spares for spares. He talked to many, many people about what would be needed for the next few years. He VERY specifically asked the owner of a local Shelter Island establishment if he should purchase a spare membrane for the watermaker on Nirvana. Said owner said absolutely not- it will last 15 years. Guess that man was wrong. Luckily for us we caught it in time and are relatively close to our destination as well as Julies arrival with a spare.

The other evening we had a glowing squid join us on the deck. GM said it looked like a glo stick was broken on the deck. We left it on the deck to see if it still glowed the next night- it did! Anyone know the dirt on that phenomenon?

SV Nirvana (aka poliwog) out

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